dated 07-09-2017
1. Confederation
Charter of Demands - Organise Next Phase of agitation with large partcipation
of employees & Pensioners:
(1) 19th
September 2017 (Tuesday) - Mass dharna
at all District Headquarters.
(2) 17th
October 2017 (Tuesday) - Mass dharna at all State Capitals.
(3) 2017
November 9th, 10th & 11th - Three days “Maha Dharna” at New Delhi along
with Central Trade Unions and other independent Federations.
(4) Indefinite
strike in 2018 jointly with Central Trade Unions and other independent
2017 November 9th, 10th, 11th -
Delhi Maha Dharna:
The following quota is fixed for Delhi
Maha Dharna for each day. All affiliated
organisations and C-O-Cs are requested to ensure participation of employees as
per quota fixed. Quota fixed is minimum
and maximum effort may be made for participation of employees more than the
09-11-2017 10-11-2017 11-11-2017
1. National
Federation of
Postal Employees (NFPE) 600 600 600
2. Income
Tax Employees
Federation (ITEF) 200 200 200
3. All
India Audit & Accts.
Association 100 100 100
4. All
India Civil Accounts
Employees Association 100 100 100
5. National
Federation of Atomic
Energy Employees 100 100 100
6. All
India Central Ground Water
Employees Association 100 100 100
7. Geological
Survey of India
Employees Association 50 50 50
8. All
other affiliates 20
each 20 each 20 each
9. C-O-C
Delhi 50 50 50
10. C-O-C
UP 50 50 50
11. C-O-C West Bengal 50 50 50
12. C-O-C Kerala 20 20 20
13. C-O-C AP.Telengana 50 50 50
14. C-O-C Tamilnadu 50 50 50
15. C-O-C Karnataka 20 20 20
16. Rajasthan,Punjab, Haryana
C-O-Cs 50
each 50 each 50 each
17. All other C-O-Cs 10 each 10 each 10
total each day 2000 2000 2000
affiliates and C-O-Cs are requested to issue separate circulars fixing quota to
each state and affiliates.
Delhi Maha dharna and indefinite strike (2018) the following 12 points charter
of demands approved by the National Convention of Workers will be Part-I and
Confederation’s 21 Point Charter of demands (see circular dated 16-8-2017
published in website and also sent by post) will be Part II of the Charter of
Part-I - 12 point Common Charter of
Demands of all workers:
1. Urgent
measures for containing price rise through universalization of public
distribution system and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing
unemployment through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict
enforcement of all basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and
stringent punitive measures for violation of Labour laws.
4. Universal
social security cover for all workers.
5. Minimum
wages of not less than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation.
6. Assured
enhanced pension not less than Rs.3000/- per month for the entire working
7. Stoppage
of disinvestment and strategic sale in Central/State Public Sector
8. Stoppage
of Contractorisation in permanent periennial work and payment of same wage and benefits
for contract workers as regular workers for same and similar work.
9. Removal
of all ceilings on payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund; increase
the quantum of gratuity.
10. Compulsory
registration of Trade Unions within a period of 45 days from the date of submitting
application and immediate ratification of ILO Conventions C-87 and C-98.
11. Against
Labour law amendments.
12. Against
FDI in Railways, Insurance and Defence.
Part II - 21
Point Charter of Demands of Confederation
Please see Circular dated 09-08-2917.
Add the following:
(6) - (a) No Downsizing, Privatisation, Outsourcing
and contractorisation of Government functions (b) Stop the proposed move to
close down Govt. of India Presses.
(8) - (a) Withdraw the draconian FR 56(J) and Rule 48
of CCS (Pension) Rules 1972 which is being misused as a short-cut as purity
measure to punish and victimise the employees.
(b) Withdraw all trade union victimisation and
attack on trade union facilities.
General Body Meetings, gate meetings etc. may be held in all
offices/departments/state and intensive campaign and mobilisation work may be
organised to make the above programmes a grand success. Notices and leaflets may be printed and
circulated. Publicity may be given
through local media and maximum use of social media may also be made.
to defeat the anti-worker and anti-people policies of the NDA Government,
maximum unity of the working class is the need of the hour. Only through a united struggle of the entire
working class of the country these policies can be halted. Confederation being an organisation which is
in the forefront of all struggles against the neo-liberal policies and also
being the one and the only organisation which is continuously fighting for the
demands of the entire Central Govt. employees and pensioners, has an added
responsibility to make the struggle of the entire working class a grand
success. An alternative policy is
possible and only the working class can lead the struggle for an alternative
policy and save the workers and also the common people of our country. Let us be proud to be part of such a
patriotic struggle.
2. Towards
50th Anniversary of 1968 September 19th historic one day strike of Central
Government Employees:
2018 September 19th (next year) is the 50th
anniversary of 1968 September 19th strike.
Before independence and after independence, the Central Government
employees had conducted many strikes.
But 1968 September 19th strike is written in red letters in the history
of Indian Working Class. It is because
that the strike had raised the demand for a scientific wage revision based on
the Need Based Minimum Wage formula approved by the 15th Indian Labour
Conference held in 1957. Central Govt.
employees fought for the demand of entire working class of India ie. Need Based
Minimum Wage. The ruling class of India
understood that if the demand of the Central Govt. employees is accepted, all
other section of the working class including those in private sector shall go
on struggle for implementation of Need Based Minimum Wage to them also and
ultimately it will result in changing their pro-capitalist economic policy
itself, which they never want to change.
The ruling class let loose all destructive forces and repressive
measures at their command to crush the
strike. The Cental Government employees had to pay a heavy price -seventeen
(17) comrades had been brutally murdered
by the ruling class. In addition 40000 suspensions, 64000 termination notices, arrets,
imprisionment, chargesheets , heavy punishments, transfers etc. Even today, the
Central Government employees and other sections of the working class are on
struggle path demanding Need Based
Minimum Wage.
To make the begining of the 50th
anniversary of the historic strike, this year’s Martyrs day
on 19-09-2017 should be organised in a befitting manner at all places by
hoisting flags, paying homage to martyrs etc. Before the 50th anniversary day
on 2018 september 19th, seminars, honouring of those who are victiimseld in the
1968 september 19th strike etc may be organised at all important centres. The
details of other programmes to be organised in connection with the 50th
anniversary will be decided in the next
National Secretariat meeting of the confederation to be held at Mumbai on 10-01-2018.
3. All India Women’s Trade Union
As already decided in the National Secretariat
meeting, the All India Women’s Trade Union workshop will be held at Mumbai. The
C-O-C Maharashtra (Mumbai) has decided to hold the workshop on 11th &
12th Jannuary 2018 (Thursday
and Friday) . Details of venue etc will be finalised later.
delegate fee is fixed as Rs. 1000/- (Rs one thousand only) per head. Food and accommodation
will be provided by the Reception
Committee. (Accommodation from 10th
forenoon to 13th 6 AM. Food on 11th & 12th only). The following quota is
fixed for each affiliated organisation and C-O-Cs for participation of
delegates in the workshop. Each organisation and C-O-C is requested to ensure
participation of delegates as per quota fixed. As train reservation
commences four months before and there is every likelihood of heavy rush for
Mumbai trains, all delegates may be instructed to book their travel tickets
immediately. Non-availability of confirmed tickets should not be an excuse for
non-attendance of delegates as per quota fixed. Dates of the workshop is
declared well in advance, to facilitate booking of confirmed travel tickets.
All affiliates should send their delegates without fail as per quota fixed.
for the All India Women’s Trade Union Workshop to be held at Mumbai on.11th
& 12 th January 2018.
1. National Federation of Postal
Employees - 80
2. Income Tax Employees Federation - 30
3. All India Audit & Accounts
Association - 15
4. All India Civil Accounts Employees
Association- 15
5. National Federation of Atomic Energy
Employees- 10
6. All other affiliated organisations
(minimum) - 3 each
7. C-O-C Delhi - 5
8. C-O-C-West Bengal - 10
9. C-O-C Kerala - 10
10. All other state level C-O-CS - 5 each
11. C-O-C Mumbai - 50
Women’s sub committee members of Confederation should compulsorily attend the
workshop. There will be a meeting of the women’s sub committee on the first day
evening of the workshop. All affiliated organisations should inform their women
sub committee members nominated by them immediately. Confederation CHQ is not
sending the circulars to the women sub committee members as only two
organisations have furnished the full address of their nominees to the women
sub committee.
state level women’s convention and constitute women’s sub committees at state
level before the Mumbai workshop.
C-O-Cs and Affiliated organisations are requested to organise state level
women’s convention before the Mumbai workshop. State level women’s sub committees
may be constituted in the convention. A state level convention was organised at
Hyderabad in connection with the state
Conference of Andhra/Telangana C-O-C and a state level Women’s sub
committee was formed. Com Usha Boneppalli, Chairperson of the confederation,
All India Women’s sub committee attended the state level convention and took
initiative for formation of state level women’s sub committee.
4. National Secretariat Meeting of
confederation 10-01-2018-Mumbai
National Secretariat Meeting of the
Confederation will be held at Mumbai on 10-01-2018 (10th January 2018
Wednesday) from 10.30 AM onwards. All National Secretariat Members and Women
sub-committee office bearers (Office bearers only) are requested to attend to
meeting in time. Detailed notice will be issued later. Please book your travel
tickets early.
5. NPS & Outsourcing - joint
programme of central and state govt employees (confederation and all india
state govt employees federation)
All C-O-Cs are requested to keep in touch with
State Govt. Employees Federation leaders
and ensure implementation of the following decisions of the 2017 June
10th joint National Convention.
1. State level Joint conventions.
2. District/Taluk level joint
3. Mass Dharna at all important centres
including state capitals on 21-11-2017 (Tuesday).
of Rajbhavan March, All India Jathas, Parliament march etc. will be decided
later. State level joint conventions are already held in Kerala, West Bengal
and Odisha.
6. WFTU-TUI Meet At Trivandrum and Kolkata
organisations and C-O-Cs which have not
yet remitted the quota fixed by the National Secretariat are requested to remit
the same immediately. Trivandrum meet is on 11th & 12th
September and Kolkata meet is on 9th & 10th October 2017.
who are remitting the money in the Bank Account of Confederation CHQ, should
intimate the full details of remittance such as name of remitter, date of
remittance, amount remitted etc to Com .Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Finance Secretary,
confederation CHQ (Mob & WhatsApp 09868520926) Email ID-
aicaeachq@gmail.com Otherwise it is not possible to issue receipt for the
remittance, as Bank has informed that the full particulars of the remitters is
not available with them.
remit the amount fixed without fail.
7. Updating the Mobile, Whatsapp and E-mAil Id of All Affiliates and C-O-Cs.
1. All
affiliates and C-O-Cs are requested to send by email or whatsApp or SMS the following particulars before
(a) Name of Organisation/C-O-C’
(b) Mobile Number
(c) WhatsApp number
(d) Email ID.
2. All
National Secretariat members are also requested to furnish the following
(a) Name
(b) WhatsApp number
(c) Email ID.
3. Inspite of repeated reminders only
two organisations have given the full
postal address (with pincode) of women sub-committee members of confederation
nominated by each affiliate. All
affiliates are one again requested to send the full address (with pincode) of
the Women sub committee members nominated by them. At present for want of
correct address, Confederation CHQ is not sending circulars by post to women
sub committee members. Some Women sub committee members have complained
non-receipt of circulars by post.
Fraternally you,
& WhatsApp : 09447068125
ID: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
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