1. Grant Rs. 10000/= as minimum wage as per 15 ILC Norms.
2. Grant minimum fitment benefit of 2.625 times of pre-revised basic pay to bring about uniform rise in emoluments and raise grade pay to 50% of the maximum of the pre-revised scales in respect of PB 1,2 & 3 as has been done in the case of PB 4.
3. No abolition of Gr.D. Posts and functions. Lift ban on recruitment, fill up all vacant posts and scrap screening Committee.
4. Grant 10% of pay + Grade pay as minimum benefit on promotion or financial up gradation.
5. No outsourcing or contractorising of Govt. functions.
6. Fix the date of effect of all allowances as 1.1.2006.
7. No reduction in the commutation value and restoration of full pension after 12 years.
8. Grant statutory defined pension scheme to the employees recruited after 1.1.2004 and withdraw the PFRDA Bill from Parliament.
9. Compute the pension entitlement on the basis of notional pay as on 1.1.1996.
10. No performance related pay or bonus scheme.
11 Implement the Board of Arbitration Awards.
12. Remove the arbitrary 5% ceiling and 3 years condition on compassionate appointment and withdraw court cases and absorb all waitlisted RRR candidates.
13. Implement the revision of bonus ceiling @ 3500/- in the case of Govt. Employees: Remove adhoc bonus and replace it with the PLB and remove the 60 days ceiling.
14. Grant SDA to all employees in NE Region.
15. Revise the Transport and daily allowances as demanded by the staff side JCM National Council.
16. Remove the condition of 6 months for applying the uniform date of 1st July as increment dates.
17. ACP to be on hierarchical system obtaining in each department.
18. Retain and improve CGHS and make insurance scheme optional.
19. Implement flexitime working hours for women/disabled employees as recommended by the 6 CPC.
20. Direct all the Departmental Heads to settle 6th CPC related department specific demands/problems within a stipulated time.
Secretary General NFPE
For those retiring between 1-1-2006 and 1-9-2008,the benefit of pension calculation based on emoluments last drawn has been denied. para 5.2. and 5.3 of O.M. dated 2-9-2008 for post 1-1-2006 is made applicable prospectively. For thos retired within 10 months from 1-1-2006, the 10 months average pay include pre-revised pay also without any grade pay or fitment benefit(Para 11 of O.M.),resulting in substantial loss in monthly pension plus D.A. thereon for life. This anomaly should be rectified, and those retired between 1-1-2006 and 1-9-2008 should be allowed to get the pension based on emoluments last drawn and length of service instead of average emoluments and leength of service. K.V.Ramana Murty
What would be the new guidelines on TA/DA for tour.Please intimate the position.
Sir, K/s Demand 16 regarding date of increment. What is the need for iniform increment date?. Why don't we ask the govt to scrap this uniform increment system and allow increment in all the 12 months depending on the service of the individual, as earlier.
What is the position in Uniform increment system for the following cases:
01. Will minimum punishement be postponing of increment for one year for any small errors, hereafter?.
02. what is the position on Postponing of increment date, in case of EXOL w/o MC.
Thank U.
Dear Comrade Sumit - Still the government has not released any orders on TA/DA.
Dear Comrade Ramana Murty - Greetings - Yes you are right and as i read deeply the order again it has been clear that the effect of para 5.2 and 5.3 has not been extended to those who are already retired between 1.1.2006 and before the date of issue of this OM - This is an anolamy and has to be taken up with the Government - Thanks for pointing it out - Regards.
Dear Comrade Kanivel - Greetings - The uniform date of increment is the brain child of the Pay Commission to fecilitate computation of expenditure and to assess the performance of one year to decide on the grant of increased quantum of PR increment - a measure to link everything with the annual performance of employees - Even now such a performance linked increment is provided for to Group A officers but not extended to employees due to our opposition to performace linked increment - that is why they increased it to 3% but not linking it with performance. This is the reason for a uniform date of increment. As per your question No.1 about the impact of punishment imposed for postponing the increment, the position is that it will have the same effect as of now. On completion of the period of punishment the postponed increment will be paid immediately. Regarding your question No.2 about the effect of EXOL without MC, the result is that the number of days of EXOL without MC would be added to 1st July and even then if it falls within July then the increment also would be paid from 1st July itself; if the number of days of EXOL is more and after adding it to 1st July takes the date to next month then the increment will be paid on 1st August like that. I hope this would clear your doubts.
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