A meeting has been conducted with large gathering in the Jantar Mantar itself under the presidentship of Com.Bijoy Gopal Sur, All India President, AIPEU-GDS. Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary welcomed the distinguished leaders, CHQ Office bearers, Circle Secretaries, GDS comrades represented from 16 circles.
Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE made an elaborate speech on the current issues of GDS and assured that NFPE shall take care of GDS at all levels. Com.M.Krishnan,Secretary General, Confederation explained the issues of GDS and appeal all to make the AIPEU-GDS as No.1 recognized Union. Com.V.A.N.Namboodiri, former General Secretary, BSNLEU, Com.Santhosh Kumar, President, AIPAEA., Com.Balwinder singh, Fin. Secretary, Gr.C (CHQ), Com.Y.Nagabhushanam & Com.D.Sivagurunathan, Casual & Contingent Union also addressed in the meeting. In addition, all the General Secretaries of NFPE affiliated unions mentioned above also addressed the rally.
The AIPEU-GDS CHQ leaders viz., Com.Virendra Sharma, Wkg President, Com.Nirmal Singh, Vice President, Com.Jai Prakash singh, AGS., Com.Kumaran Nambiyar, Fin Secretary, Com.Harish Kumar, Asst Fin. Secretary, Com.Chandra N.Chaudary, Orgg Gen Secretary & Com.Ambika Sharma also addressed in the meeting.
The programme concluded with the vote thanks offered by Com.Pamodkumar singh, Circle Secretary, Uttar Pradesh with the assurance of obtaining 90% membership in favour of AIPEU-GDS from UP Circle.
Meeting ended with the slogan shouting by Com.Virendra Sharma demanding the Govt & Department for the earliest implementation of Shri Kamalesh Chandra Committee.
After the procession, a memorandum was submitted to Hon’ble Minister of Communications by the Office bearers, which is published below.
Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, Vice President, CITU inaugurating the "March to Sanchar Bhawan" programme by AIPEU-GDS in Jantar Mantar, Delhi today.