The procedures to fill up these posts have not been spelt out in this order - But we gathered that the first time absorption in all these posts will be by one-time option from LSG-HSG-II/HSG-I officials - But in future all LSG Postmasters vacancies will be only through Competitive Examination from PA/SAs.
Postal JCA has already decided on its 3rd February 2010 meeting to organise protest on such unilateral action of DoP and called for a nationwide protest with a Massive Parlamentary March on 2.3.2010 along with important GDS, Casual labourers and Attack on RMS issues.
The full text of the order is placed here for the information and comments of our membership.
1 comment:
It is said that with the creation of Postmaster cadre our employee recruited as PA has two choices
1. Go ahead with writing the examination for Postamster cadre and get himself promoted to the higher GP step by step.
2. If the official is not willing to write the exams he can stay in the same cadre and get satisfied with the three MACP and at the time retirement he will be in 4600 GP which is equivalent to HSG I.
In both the cases it seem to be a welcoming trend only giving opportunities for young talents climb up quickly in the promotion ladder.
Why we are opposing this stand ? Where are the seniors getting affected ? Are we opposing this just for a sentimental reason that Seniors may have to work under the supervision of juniors ? If that is the case many juniors are getting promoted as IPOs and they are working why that sentiment is applied to Group C cadre only ?
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