Today (04-06-2018) Secretary, Department of Posts called the three striking Unions (AIPEU-GDS, AIGDSU & NUGDS) for discussion at 04.00 pm. Three GDS General Secretaries and some office bearers went for discussion. Secretary, Posts told that if the striking unions give a letter withdrawing the indefinite strike, he is ready to take them to the Minister, Communications for discussion.
Unions clearly told that the condition that first withdrawing the strike and then discussion with Minister is not acceptable to them.
No responsible trade unions can accept such a condition. Earlier on one occasion when one Union had a bitter experience. They gave withdrawal letter as a precondition for talk with Minister. Department has immediately put the withdrawal letter in their website and strike fizzled out even before discussion with Minister. With that experience in mind, Unions told Secretary, Posts that giving withdrawal letter first is not possible.
The three GDS Unions, then gave a signed letter to the Secretary, Department of Posts, in which we made it clear that we are ready to defer the strike if our request in the letter is accepted by the Secretary (Posts) or Hon’ble Minister. The contents of the letter given to Secretary, Department of Posts by the three General Secretaries is reproduced below:
The Secretary,
Department of Posts
“Kindly refer the discussion you had with us. If Secretary, Department of Posts or Hon’ble Minister for Communications assure us positive settlement of our demands within a reasonable time frame as already communicated by us, we are ready to defer the strike. Minutes of the discussion and assurance of Secretary, Department of Posts may be given if settlement comes at Secretary, Posts level.
To facilitate end to the strike a definite assurance will serve good purpose to satisfy the members”.
It can be seen from the above that all three GDS unions have taken a reasonable and positive stand. Nobody can blame that the Unions are unreasonable.
After reviewing the strike situation in all Circles and also after reviewing the stand taken by the Department, all the three GDS Unions unanimously decided to continue the strike till an honourable settlement is reached. (BMS union is also continuing the strike. We don’t know whether discussion is held with them separately).
All are requested to make maximum efforts to ensure 100% strike in all Circles / Divisions.
Three GDS Unions has given a call for relay hunger fast at Divisional level from 6th June 2018. All Divisional Secretaries and Circle / All India Office bearers are requested to commence indefinite relay hunger fast infront of all Divisional Offices from 06th June 2018 onwards.

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