Silver Jubilee AlC of P4-NFPE being held at Cuttack
All India Postal Employees Union – Postman & MSE /Gr.D is conducting its 25th All India Conference at Cuttack from yesterday the 29.12.2013. The photographs of first day AIC has been exhibited already in our website regarding the colourful rally and open session that was inaugurated by the veteran parliamentarian Comrade Basudev Acharya and addressed by big leaders from various organisations including central trade unions. High level officers including the Chief PMG Odisha Circle Shri. S.J.Tilak De; PMG Berhampur Shri.P.K.Bisoi addressed the open session. Important leaders who addressed the open session were Comrades M.Krishnan SG NFPE; Janardhan Pati CITU Vice President; R.N.Mallik Shramik Ekta; and Ishwar Singh Dabas General Secretary of P4 Union. At the end of the rally and before the commencement of the open session flags were hoisted by leaders and martyrs column was respected by all and folk songs were presented by the cultural troup.
Com.K.Raghavendran, Former Secretary General, NFPE & General Convener, AIPRPA, Com.Girirajsing, General Secretary, R-III, Com.P.Suresh, General Secretary, R-IV, Com.Pranab Bhattacharya, General Secretary, AIPAOEU, Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS (NFPE), Com.Milan Bhattacharya, Former President, P4 CHQ, Com.S.Raghupathi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE, Com.R.Sitalakshmi, Asst. Secretary General, NFPE were also present on the occasion.
The Open session was presided over by the CHQ President S.K.Humayun. Comrade D.B.Mohanty invited all leaders to the dais. Chairman Reception Committee Shri.Jagannath Patnaik rendered welcome address. Comrade R.N.Dhal Circle Secretary and AGS R3 delivered vote of thanks. Circle Secretaries of all NFPE organisations like Comrades R.C.Mishra [C/S & CHQ VP]; H.K.Mohanty [C/S R4]; Nirmal Ch.Singh [C/S GDS(NFPE)]; Biswal [C/S Postal Printing Press] and other leaders were fully associating with the Reception Committee affairs.
Here we are placing some photographs of the forenoon session of 2nd day of AIC:
Comrade A.K.Padmanabhan CITU National President inaugurating the delegates session |
CITU President presented with momento by the Reception Committee |
General Secretary AIPEU GDS[NFPE] P.Pandurangarao addressing the session |
Com.S.Ragupathy Assistant Secretary General NFPE addressing |
Com.Milan Bhattacharjee former CHQ President P4 addressing |
Leader of Bank Employees Federation of India addressing |
General Secretary Ishwar Singh Dabas presenting Agenda and Biennial Report to Subjects Committee |
Delegates in the Subjects Committee |
NFPE President Com.Giriraj Singh addressing the session |
A view of dais with Com.A.K.Padmanabhan CITU National President |
SG NFPE ; GS P4 ; CITU National President from left to right on the side of CHQ President |
General Secretary R4 Com.P.Suresh addressing the session
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