All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 value has been released by Labour Bureau. The value of the index stands at 174 level. As such, the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees will be raised 10% and total of 45% (35% + 10%). All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of June, 2010 has been increased by 2 points and stood at 174 (one hundred and seventy four).
Saturday, July 31, 2010
All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 value has been released by Labour Bureau. The value of the index stands at 174 level. As such, the Dearness Allowance for Central Government Employees will be raised 10% and total of 45% (35% + 10%). All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Workers (CPI-IW) on base 2001=100 for the month of June, 2010 has been increased by 2 points and stood at 174 (one hundred and seventy four).
The Department of Post has now clarified that reduction of staff earlier implemented as matching savings for implementation of TBOP/BCR promotions stands withdrawn from 01.09.2008.
After switching over to MACP from TBOP/BCR promotions, we are persuading the Department either to revive the posts or adjust the same at the time of cadre restructuring. Now the Department has issued orders for revival of the surrendered posts and it will certainly be helpful for cadre review proposals.
The Postal Board’s action is highly appreciated. We fervently appeal the Secretary to restore the charge Allowance and other allowances, which we surrendered at the time of implementation of TBOP Scheme during 1983.
The copy of the Order is furnished below.
(Copy of letter No. 25-5/2010-PE.I dated 19.07.2010 of Department of Posts)
Sub: - Reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes stands withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008 consequent upon implementation of MACP.
The undersigned is directed clarify the position in respect of reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR schemes w.e.f 01.09.2008 during periodical Establishment Reviews consequent upon implementation of MACP and withdrawal of TBOP/BCR Schemes as under:
“Consequent on implementation of time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme and Biennial Cadre Review (BCR) Scheme, Department of Posts had imposed cuts of 5% in operative staff and 15% in supervisory staff w.e.f 30.11.1983 under TBOP Scheme and later on, additional cuts of 1% in operative staff and 5% in supervisory staff were introduced w.e.f. 01.10.1991 under BCR Scheme. These cuts were introduced as measure of matching savings to offset the financial implications on account of grant of financial upgradations to staff and for obtaining additional productivity. The number of posts reduced under this matching savings/productivity provisions were kept in view at the time of periodical reviews or establishment of augmentation proposals.
The said TBOP and BCR Schemes have now been withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.20087 consequent upon implementation of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACP). Consequently, the number of operative/supervisory posts existing as on 01.09.2008 will be taken into consideration for the purpose of periodical reviews or augmentation proposals of Post Offices establishment. Thus, provisions relating to reduction of staff under TBOP/BCR Schemes stand also withdrawn w.e.f 01.09.2008.”
This issues with the approval of Secretary (P)

The adhoc services of erstwhile RTPs who were deputed to Army Postal Services and those approached judiciary had been taken for promotion under TBOP/BCR earlier.
We are demanding since then that it should be applied to all the similarly situated persons. This is one of the demands, we placed in the JCM Departmental council meeting.
The Department has now issued orders to apply the same to all the similarly situated persons who are deputed to APS for counting their past adhoc services in APS as regular service for TBOP/BCR promotion.
We are seeking justice to all the erstwhile RTPS with similar orders.
(Copy of Letter No 93-25/2003-SPB-II dated 21.07.2010 of Department of Posts)
Sub: - Counting of ad-hoc services rendered in Army Postal Service (APS) for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under Time Bound One Promotion (TBOP) Scheme – Reg.
(Suraj Bhan)
Asstt. Director General (SPN)
Friday, July 30, 2010
As per the re-drafted Bill —the Post Office and Courier Services Bill, 2010—which was reviewed by FE, the courier firms would need to register themselves with the regulator—Postal Regulatory Authority of India (PRAI)— and adhere to a set of guidelines for quality of services framed by it. The firms will also have to contribute to a Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) to enable delivery of postal services to financially unviable areas at affordable rates.
However, the government has dropped the controversial provision in the original (2006) draft of the Bill which sought to bar private courier firms from carrying packets weighing below 500 gm. Also, in a departure from the original draft, which specified the fee structure for the players, the new Bill has left such matters for the regulator to decide.
The size of the Indian courier industry is over Rs 4,000 crore with major players being DHL, FedEx India and DTDC.
As per the latest proposal, PRAI will have functions similar to that of telecom regulator TRAI. It can suo motto recommend to the government policy measures on the entire gamut of the postal sector. On its part, the government can seek its recommendations on issues of importance.
Once PRAI is constituted, all existing courier firms would have to register themselves with it for a 10-year period on payment of a fee. The registration, of course, can be renewed once it expires.
The regulator would set eligibility criteria for those wanting to enter the sector in the new regulated regime. It would have powers to recommend to the government revocation of licences of any firm which fails to meet the criteria set out by it.
The government (read the department of post and a reinforced Postal Board) would retain the powers to make policies and provide licences.
A Postal Dispute Settlement and Appellate Tribunal would be set up to arbitrate on disputes between the industry and the regulator, the regulator and the government, industry and the government; and between industry players.
Financial Express 26.07.2010
One of the major demands we put forth in the strike charter is to fill up all vacant posts including residual vacancies and the vacancies which are unnoticed by some divisional administrations in many circle or due to wrong assessment of vacancies.
The department has earlier sought information’s recently about the pending vacancies in all cadres and instructed that if a post is managed even for a single day within one year that post should be taken as a clear vacancy. The said instruction has cleared many doubts prevailing in the midst of many circles and divisions.
Now the Directorate has issued instructions to fill up all the EXISTING as well as anticipatory vacancies of the year 2010 vide its letter no 60-9/2010-SPB-I dated 22.7.2010 with time schedule. The copy of the orders is reproduced hereunder.
Appeal to the Secretary, Department of PostsAs assured in the conciliation meeting held on 12.7.2010, we are expecting your effective intervention through video conference for ensuring to fill up all the vacant posts as per the establishment register. Further we seek immediate release of orders removing the application of bench mark for MACP promotions as per the railway pattern as assured to release on the same day.
Government of India
Ministry of Communication & IT
(Department of Posts)
Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi -110001
Dated 22nd July, 2010
ToAll Chief Post Masters General.
All Post Master General
Subject: - Filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant by Direct Recruitment.
I am directed to refer to this Department’s letter No 60-16/2009-SPB-1 dt. 12.11.2009 on the above subject and to say that the matter regarding filling up of the posts of Postal Assistant/Sorting Assistant pertaining to the years 2009 has been reviewed and it has been decided that the direct recruitment vacancies of the year 2009 and existing as well as firm anticipated vacancies of the year 2010 may be filled up by direct recruitment as per the existing instructions issued vide this Department’s letter No 51-2/2003-SPB-1 dated 10.11.2004. It may please be ensured that the recruitment process is finalized and results declared by 16th December 2010.
2. In order to finalize the recruitment process by the said target date all are requested to ensure that following steps leading to the selection of the candidates are taken/completed not later than the dates indicated against each:
Advertisement/Circulation of vacancies for the years 2009 and 2010 20th August, 2010
Last date for receipt of the applications 05th October, 2010
Holding of written examination and completion of computer test November, 2010
Declaration of final result/Select list 16th December, 2010
If any circle so desires it may continue to follow the system of holding the computer test after or before holding the written/aptitude test but it must be ensured that the process of holding of written examination and computer test is completed by 14th November, 2010 and the time limit prescribed for declaration of final result is strictly adhered to.
3. The receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged.
Yours faithfully
Tel No. 23096092
The Project was launched initially on proof of concept basis in 50 post offices in Phase I. After the successful completion of the Phase I, it was implemented in 450 post offices in Phase II and in 500 post offices in Phase III across the country including rural areas. In the current financial year Project Arrow is being extended to 500 more post offices across the country. Project Arrow aims at comprehensive improvement of the core operations of the Post Office as well as the ambience in which postal transactions are undertaken. The response of the general public and the staff of the department to the initiatives have been overwhelmingly positive.
The initiative Project Arrow - Transforming India Post has also won the Prime Minister’s award for Excellence in Public Administration for the year 2008-09.
Head Post Offices and important Sub Post Offices located in rural areas are being covered under Project Arrow in a phased manner.
This information was given by the Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat in written reply to a question in Lok Sabha.
OM No.36011/6/2010-Estt (Res) of Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension Department of Personnel and Training dated the 26th July, 2010.
Subject: - Issue of instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Government of India.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. of even number dated 25/6/2010 whereby a draft O.M. containing consolidated instructions on Reservation for the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes in services under the Central Government was posted on this Department’s website for soliciting suggestions thereon by 12.7.2010. Several letters have been received requesting to extend the date for sending suggestions / comments. The matter has been considered and it has been decided to extend the time period for sending comments up to 25.8.2010.
2. All concerned are informed that comments/ suggestions on the draft OM, if any, may be sent to the undersigned by 25.8.2010 positively.
The government is considering to deregulate interest rates on small savings schemes like public provident fund (PPF) and post office deposits, linking them to the prevailing interest rates in the markets.
The move will reduce returns on such schemes. At present, the interest rates on small savings schemes are fixed by the government, which are normally higher than the prevailing interest rates in the market. For example, the interest rate on PPF is 8%, which is tax-free, while that on the other similar instruments like bank deposits are lower.
The post-tax return on bank deposits is around 5.5% for those who fall in the highest tax bracket of 30%.
Towards this end, the government has set up a committee under the Reserve Bank of India deputy governor Shyamla Gopinath — to suggest the ways and means — for deregulating interest rates on small savings schemes. Small savings schemes mobilise huge amount of funds as they offer higher interest rates.
According to the Budget estimate, in 2010-11, these schemes may fetch Rs 50,300 crore, taking the total mobilisation to Rs 7,57,000 crore.
Funds mobilised under small savings schemes are disbursed to the central and state governments as debt. As the cost of the small savings funds are high, state governments pay higher interest rates (9.5%-10%) on the loans taken from these schemes compared to other sources in the market.
The 13th Finance Commission headed by former finance secretary Vijay Kelkar had suggested to bring down the interest rates on outstanding loans to 9% by the end of 2009-10.
But for this, the interest rates on small savings should also be brought down.
At the same time, according to the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, states cannot borrow from open market beyond 4% of their fiscal deficits. Therefore, states are not able to benefit from prevailing lower interest rates in the market and take higher-interest loans from small savings.
The committee will also examine the new investment opportunities for the funds mobilized under small savings schemes. At present, the funds could be invested only in the central and state governments special securities. Committee will also review the administrative arrangement including the cost of operation.
The proposed indefinite strike from 13th July 2010 by the Joint Council of Action of Postal & RMS Employees comprising National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE), Federation of National Postal Organisations (FNPO) and Gramin Dak Sevaks Unions has been deferred following prolonged discussion on 12th July 2010 between Secretary, Department of Posts and the JCA Leaders. The positive approach of the Secretary (P) throughout the discussion and the time bound assurances given by the Administration are well appreciated and hence the staff side decided to reciprocate in the same sprit which resulted in averting the strike.
In the last meeting of the National Council (JCM) the Cabinet Secretary who is the Chairman of the JCM has stated that “it has been the endeavour of the Government to address the problem of the employees as effectively as possible” and resolved that “the Govt. is to maintain a sustained level of contact with the staff side to take forward the process of consensus building and collaborative endeavour in achieve goal of higher productivity, efficiency and staff welfare”. Unfortunately this sprit of mutual trust and understanding has not been there in the Department of Posts of the last more than two years and all the forums of negotiations have been either defunct or shutdown. The main reason which compelled the staff side to resort to indefinite strike action was non functioning of the negotiating forums and complete cut-off of channel of communication on issues affecting the staff. Now that the Secretary (P) has made it clear that the channel of communication will be opened and all the negotiating forums will be revived. We hope that time bound settlement of issues will take place and the assurances given by Secretary (P) will be translated in to action.
The positive assurances given by Secretary (P) such as time bound filling up of vacant posts upto 2009 , no privatization, no closure of Post Offices , no violation of RMS agreement , review of outsourcing orders , holding of departmental council meetings and GDS Committee meetings , completion of cadre restructuring before December, 2010, settlement of GDS issues such as pension (Annuity Scheme), Medical Insurance, separate meetings to redress the grievances of Postmen, Group ’D’ staff , settlement of MMS , Casual Labourers and System Administrators issues, MACP related issues, are to be implemented without much delay. We understand that the Postal Board has initiated positive action on the above assurances and things have started moving.
We on our part are always ready to extend our whole and constructive co-operation for improving the productivity and efficiency of the India Post and also for improving the welfare of the employees. We fully aware that in this era of globalization India Post is facing stiffest challenges and competitions’ from other stakeholders , especially in mails sector , and a joint move by both the administration and the staff side is the need of the hour. Implementing the above assurances in its true spirit will definitely go a long way in further strengthening the relation between both sides which may ultimately lead to increase productivity and efficiency of India Post. Any violation of the assurances may result in large scale resentment among the staff which may eventually result in break down the peace and tranquility in Postal Services.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Ministry of Human Resource Development has finalized the modalities for implementation of a new Central Scheme to provide full interest subsidy during the period of moratorium on educational loans for students belonging to economically weaker sections (with parental family income from all sources of less than Rs.4.5 lakh annually) from scheduled banks under the Educational Loan Scheme of the Indian Banks’ Association (IBA) for pursuing courses of studies in professional/technical streams from recognized institutions in India. The modalities have been finalized in consultation with the Indian Banks’ Association. The Scheme is effective for all IBA approved educational loans sanctioned in form of eligible students’ in respect of approval course of studies from the academic year 2009-10.
The New Pension Scheme (NPS) is likely to get a makeover if the revised Direct Tax Code is implemented. However, the government is doing its bit tolure investors to take a close look at the NPS. Recently, the government announced the ‘Swavalamban’ scheme through which it would add Rs 1,000 co-contribution every year for the next three years for everyone who joins the New Pension Scheme in this financial year. Any NPS subscriber who invests Rs 1,000-12,000 per annum between April 1, 2010 and March 31, 2011, will get Rs 3,000 free from the government.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
UP Circle
A Real Face of Selective officers in Department of Posts
The Chief Postmaster General
Kerala circle,
Thiruvananthapuram. 695033
3. Kindly clarify whether GDS MDs are also entitled for combined duty allowance.
As per the recommendations of One-man Committee and approved by the Government, the GDS MD/MC attached with the addition duty of another Gramin Dak Sevak, revised rate of allowance will be at the rate of Rs.25 per day subject to a maximum of Rs. 625 per month. Accordingly, the Mail Deliverer/Mail Carrier entrusted with the duties of BPMs in addition to their own work, are eligible for this additional remuneration as compensation. However, they will not be eligible for any Combined Duty Allowance which is now paid to Branch Postmasters towards delivery and conveyance work.
File no. 19-10/2004-GDS (part)
Dak Bhawan, Parliament Street
All Chief Postmaster General
Sub: Limited transfer facility to Gramin Dak Sevaks.
Assistant Director General (Estt)
Thursday, July 22, 2010
During the presentation, the official side intimated the following programmes are proposed to be implemented in the mails operations.
1.The main object of the project is to get the core right by’ End to end net work optimization, Significant quality improvement & Rigorous performance management.
End to end network optimization: Optimise India Post’s mail network from collection to delivery.
Significant quality improvement: Standardize and improve processes and reduce network complexity.
Rigorous performance management: Establish an effective management structure using KPIs and regular reviews
2. India Post shall be a trustworthy organization with high quality reliable service with improved working conditions.
3. First start with few projects for big cities and thereafter add more products for the same cities. Finally expand the same to all products across the country. Constant monitoring may be introduced by the Directorate like Project arrow.
4. Speed Post and International Mails were first taken for the project and introduced in six metros viz Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore & Hyderabad. The project has brought some significant improvements over the last six months and improvement could be felt in the process of speed post articles. The Bangalore SPC is the example.
5. While revamping the Speed post operations ( collection to delivery), the consultancy will be suggested about the network design, right processes, network schedule, cut off times, processing windows etc for speed post articles at first and then it will be extended to first class mails in order to ensure the maximum D+ 1 quality.
6.The look feel factors like Uniform branding as well as consistency, standardized interiors and exteriors of buildings and supportive infrastructure, identifying new technologies, upgrading the existing to ensure faster and better services, recognizing star circles, performers and ensuring 100% trained staff on field are the components, the department proposed.
7. The Project team Mckensey has been sought involvement in the process at all levels. Officers from Directorate and circle levels are visiting and personally involving. They are meeting the staff to understand the problem and making changes in the project on the ground itself.
8. The impact of the project is to ensure easier sorting by minimum handling, less workload by reducing the number of bags & missorts between different locations, better equipment, higher throughput by higher processing with improved process design, streamlined workflow by having optimized inflow of mails in the processing centers, prioritized processing based on the time of the day for maximum connectivity, regular interaction and display of SPC’s daily performance, suggestions and feedback encouraged and providing adequate training and incentives for high performers etc.
9.It will reduce the sorter distress ensuring minimum multiple handling from the present large multiple handling; ensuring maximum sorting with only one handling from the present position of pre sorting for all items before final sorting; priority to TD/NTD mails in the sorting reducing the number of bags and missorts between different locations within one city etc.
10. It will ensure 100% scan compliance, both for receipt and delivery. No article can enter or leave sorting area unless scanned. Optimizing sorting cages, reducing multi level sorting and revising sorting logic are in the agenda. Similarly uniform volume inflow will be ensured which leads to less pressure for staff on ground and better connectivity which results therefore better quality.
The following 18 KPIs are developed to create transparency in the process of the scheme.
1. Transit analysis within city.
2. Transit analysis across city
3. Time per leg of transit within city
4. Time per leg of transit across city.
These measures speed and reliability of processing of Speed Post articles from booking to delivery.
5. Scans compliance in the entire network
6. Scan analysis per leg of transit within city.
7. Scan analysis per leg of transit across city.
These measures for each processing step whether articles got scanned as prescribed.
8. percent of F scans in Speed Net vs. F Scans in IPS1
9. Percent of F scans in IPS vs. D scans in IPS.
10. Share of Speed Net Delivery Scans vs. IPS F scans (TBD)
These measures for international inbound article with the efficiency of movement at every step before merger with Speed Post.
11. Articles processed per hour per FTE
12 .Staff absenteeism
13. Share of bags without bag labels
14 .Share of articles not processed in SpeedNet
15. Share of articles closed after cut off time
16. Share of missorted articles
17. Share of articles with missing pin codes
18. Share of articles not dispatched same set
These supports achieving better D+x and scan performance.
At Present this project was introduced in six cities. During September, it will be extended to fifteen cities further led by eight Directors (Mail & Speed post). Thereafter the Project team will start working on first class mail. A Speed post manual for further rollout is now developed by the Directorate.
On the above points, the suggestions and view points of the staff side was invited by the chairperson of the meeting. On behalf of NFPE, we posed the question before the Secretary that other than the above, whether was there any hidden agenda in the project. We recorded our apprehension whether the project is with the aim of privatization or corporatization of the postal services. The Secretary replied that there is no hidden agenda and there is no privatization or corporatization programme of any services.
She asserted that the project is only to improve the services and there will be no closure of any sorting offices without consulting the staff unions in case if warranted. The project is similar to that of Project Arrow in order to monitor the mail operations by introducing RFID system and avoiding duplication of work.
We asked the view points of the in charge of Mckensy to detail his experience in the project. He replied that the geographical conditions and functioning are entirely different from Latin America, South East Asian countries and the present Indian system requires some modernization and they are practically studying with the consultation of officers and officials in the work spot.
We informed that after deep study of the materials and discussions among the unions, NFPE will offer our comments and reaction to the department at the earliest.
Confederation Circular
CONFEDERATION OF CENTRAL GOVT.EMPLOYEES & WORKERS. A-2/95,Manishinath Bhawan,Rajouri Garden, New Delhi-110 027 |
| Tel: 011-2510 5324: Mobile: 98110 48303 |
Dated: 17/07/2010
Dear Comrades,
The National Secretariat of the Confederation met at New Delhi (at Mavalankar Hall, Rafi Marg) on 16th July, 2010 at 3.30 PM immediately after the convention organized jointly by the AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 12th July, 1960 indefinite strike action of the Central Government employees. The meeting took the following decisions.
(ii) The Strike Charter will include the 5 demands adopted by the 15th July convention of the Central Trade Unions and another 5 demands which are common to all Central and State Government employees. (The charter of demands is enclosed)
(iii) The campaign for the strike action will be jointly organized by the Confederation, All India State Government employees Federation and the All India Defence Employees Federation.
(iv) For making the campaign effective, joint conventions will be organized at all State Capital and other important centres in which the National leaders of all the three Organisations will take part.
(v) The dates for the proposed State Conventions is being finalized and the same will be intimated in a few days' time.
B. The Secretariat has decided to convene the National Executive Committee meeting of the Confederation on 11th August, 2010 at New Delhi to give impetus to the campaign for the strike preparation. The meeting will be held at the Gandhi Peace Foundation Auditorium, Deendayal Upadhyaya Marg, (Near ITO) New Delhi. (Notice for the meeting is enclosed. Annexure B)
(ii) In view of the developments reported by the Secretary General of the All India Audit and Accounts Association, the meeting has decided to call upon the State Committees to organize massive dharna programme on 5th August, 2010 at all State Capitals in front of the office of the respective Accountant General. It was also decided that a minimum number of 300 comrades must participate in the Dharna programme in each centre of which 100 must be from the IA & AD department. All Affiliated Association./Federations of the Confederation should deploy comrades (the number decided by the State committee) to participate in the Dharna. The Honourable Members of Parliament of the respective State may be invited, apprised of the situation, requested to address the Dharna and take up the issue of victimization with the Government and the C& AG. The Note detailing the vindictive actions in the I A & A. Department as prepared by the Secretary General, All India Audit and Accounts Association is enclosed.(Annexure D) The State Committees will send the following telegram to the Comptroller and Auditor General on 5th August, 2010 after holding a massive demonstration at the Dharna Venue in which the participation of large number of the Central Government employees may be ensured.
. (iii) The National executive Committee which is scheduled to meet on 11th August, 2010 will decide upon the date of the National Dharna Programme before the Office of the C & AG at New Delhi. The National Dharna programme will have the participation of minimum one thousand activists drawn from different affiliated Associations/Federations of the Confederation.
As was informed in our circular No.14, the National Convention to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the 12th July, 1960 All India indefinite strike action of the Central Government employees was held at Mavalankar hall, Rafi Marg, New Delhi on 16th July, 2010. The convention was jointly organized by the All India Railway men Federation, All India Defence Employees Federation and the Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers. The convention was presided over by a presidium consisting of Com. Umraomal Purohit, President, AIRF, Com. S.K.Vyas, President, Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, Com. Sailo Bhattacharya, General Secretary, All India Defence Employees Federation. More than 1000 delegates participated in the convention. On behalf of the Presidium, Com. Umraomal Purohit made the introductory speech, followed by the presentation of the Declaration by Com. K.K.N. Kutty, Secretary General, and Confederation. In his presentation, Com. Kutty highlighted the issue of Minimum wage, the concept of DA and the extreme brutality with which the Government suppressed the strike. Com. Srikumar, Secretary General, AIDEF seconded the declaration. Com. Pathak, President, AIDEF presented the Hindi version of the declaration. Com. Shiv Gopal Misra, General Secretary, AIRF,Com. Harbajan Singh, from AIRF, Com. V.A.N. Namboodiri, President, BSNLEU, Com. M.S. Raja, Secretary, Confederation, Com. Parasar, Officiating Secretary General, National Federation of Postal Employees addressed the convention. Thereafter the following veterans were honoured.
With greetings,
Yours fraternally,
K.K.N. Kutty,
Secretary General
Annexure A
Declaration adopted at the National Convention of Workers
on 15th July, 2010 Mavlankiar Hall, New Delhi.
Representatives of Central Trade Unions and workers and employees federations having assembled in the 2nd National Convention of the workers on the 125th July, 2010, reviewed the joint action programme over five commonly agreed demands as decided in the first historic convention of workers on 14th September, 2009. This convention considering the review of joint actions, All India protest day on 28th October, 2009, Massive dharna on 18th December, 2009 and Satyagraha/jail bharo on 5th March, 2010 -10 lakh workers participated and also considering the situation arising thereafter adopts the following DECLARATION.
Desptie the trade union opposing the disinvestment in the profit making public sector, the latest disinvestment being pushed through in Coal India Ltd. BSNL, SAIL, NLC, Hindustan Coper, NMDC etc, the pernicious policy of reckless disinvestment is continuing with impunity.
The convention notes with concern, not only protest of the trade unions is being ignored, the policy that accentuates increase in the prices of food grains is being constantly bulldozed, the latest is the deregulation of petroleum pricing linking it with the international market leading to hefty increase in the prices of Kerosene, cooking gas, diesel, and petrol.
Price rise of essential commodities to be contained through appropriate corrective and distributive measures like universal PDS and containing speculation in commodity market.
The Convention therefore resolves to call for an All India General Strike on 7th September, 2010.
The Convention calls upon the entire working people of the country, irrespective of affiliations to make the all in united call for countrywide general strike a total success. If the Govt. does not concede the demands the trade unions will intensify the struggle further and prepare for a March to Parliament.