Saturday, August 19, 2017

No. Confdn/Genl/2016-19                                                                               Dated – 19.08.2017
The Secretary,
Department of Personnel & Training,
Govt. of India, North Block,
New Delhi - 110001
Sub: - Vindictive transfer of Chief Executives of Recognised Association in violation of DOP&T Orders - C/o. Central Ground Water Board Employees Association - intervention requested.
The following office bearers of All India Central Ground Water Board Employees Association, which is a recognised Association, were transferred abruptly to far off places by the Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) authorities, without any reason.
1.       Sri. Ram Nivas Choudhary, President of the Association working at Faridabad Headquarters and Secretary of the Branch Executive Committee, Div.XI, Jodhpur to CGWB Div.III, Varanasi.
2.       Sri. N. Kumar, Secretary General of the Association transferred to CGWB, Div.VIII, Jammu.
3.       Sri. Nityanand, Vice President of Central Executive Committee and Chairman of Branch Executive Committee, CHQ, Faridabad, transferred to CGWB, State Unit Office, Belgaum.
4.       Sri. Rajinder Prasad, General Secretary of Branch Executive Committee, CHQ, Faridabad, transferred to CGWB, Div. IV, Chennai.
All the above transfer orders are issued in an abrupt manner and in the orders itself it was mentioned that the officials stands relieved with immediate effect.  The above officials who are office bearers of a recognised Association has not committed any offence warranting sudden transfers.  The reason for their transfers is still not known.  It is nothing but vindictive transfers to punish the office bearers of the Association and to disrupt the smooth functioning of the Association.
As per the guidelines issued by Government of India M.H.A.OM No.26/3/69-Estt(B) dated 08-04-1969, “The Chief Executive of the Union as defined in the constitution of the Union/Association etc, or the General Secretary  where Chief Executive has not been specifically defined, may be brought on transfer to the Headquarters of the administrative head as far as possible.  If the transfer to Headquarters involves exemption from field duty such transfer facility should be restricted to Chief Executive/General Secretary and one other Executive member of each of the recognised Association”.  The same has also been mentioned in the approved transfer norms of Central Ground Water Board, which is also approved by the Ministry.
Further DOP & T OM No.27(7)88-CS-IV dated 19th August 1988 reads as follows:
 “The President and General Secretary of the recognised Union/Association who are members of the Staff Council should not, except for special reasons, be shifted from main administrative office to subordinate office (including other offices/buildings).
The above transfer orders are issued in gross violation of the Govt. of India orders on immunity from transfer extended to Office bearers of Recognised Associations.
In view of the above, I request your immediate personnel intervention in this case, so that the unjust and vindictive transfers of the office bearers of All India Central Ground Water Board Employees Association will be cancelled at the earliest.
Yours faithfully,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General &
Member, Standing Committee,
National Council JCM
Mob: 09447068125

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